The Gospel. It's the Good news of what Jesus Christ has done on the cross for all of us who put our faith in Him. For most churches, preaching the Gospel is the main call as a Christian, because what better way to love God than to love people, and what better way to love people than to introduce them to Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
But do you ever feel like there’s so much more to just preaching the Gospel? I’ve always wanted to “show” God’s Good News to the world in a more tangible way, but I never really understood how and what that would look like. I mean, we are called to preach the Gospel, which is awesome and transformative on so many levels, but what exactly does that look like in a more practical way? What can I do to “show” the Gospel? Especially at a time when there are so many voices and polarized opinions. More and more, it is action that people will see, feel, and trust— especially when words are harder and harder to trust.
So why orphans? Why care so much? I’m now learning that fighting for and advocating for orphans IS in fact sharing the Gospel through action. Many times, actions speak louder than words. This work is His work — explicitly expressing God’s love in action towards orphans and vulnerable children. And in doing so, it impacts generations. James 1:27 shares:
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”
For Generations—Home, they began to experience the magnitude of the orphan crisis in comparison to the seemingly little contributions they were able to make. More and more they realized that the work is WAY beyond their capabilities. Furthermore, as they clarified their mission— to end the orphan crisis through families, there is much weight and opposition. Truly the work transcends fighting for legislation and administrative battles, just like what it says in Ephesians 6:12:
“We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
There is a story in 2 Chronicles 20 in the Bible where the Israelites were “surrounded” by their enemies in an impossible situation. Yet God spoke, and we feel this is God’s word for us regarding OUR seemingly impossible situation as well.
God told them:
“Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s… Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them and the Lord will be with you.”
As a result of God’s Word, they worshiped, and the victory was theirs. We believe this is God’s Word for us too as we go head-on with this orphan crisis. We will WORSHIP.
And as we worship:
We align our hearts and minds with His
We begin to see with an eternal perspective— all our problems and all the world’s problems and His will— in the right perspective
We realize how small we are and how big He is— bigger than any overwhelming mission or problem
We take our eyes off ourselves and we fix it on Him— in doing so, we focus less on our limitations and begin to see the limitless God
It inspires faith and action
This is not the first time we have done this though. In July, we partnered with Awaken Generation and were hosted by our Every Nation Church in Singapore for our first Justice and Worship night. There, we locked arms with our friends from Giving is Social, Home For Good Singapore, as well as Colours Global.
Photos by Colours Global
Something powerful happens when people from different backgrounds, different churches, different industries and different nationalities lock arms to worship, intercede for the orphan crisis and proclaim Jesus as King over all! God comes and fights our battles for us. This is one way of acting out the gospel in practical ways and we would like for you to join us.
So this November 30 from 7:00-8:30 PM, we invite you to lock arms with us as we worship, pray and fight together through worship at Victory BGC together with Victory Worship. See you there, and let's end the orphan crisis together.